Retevis rt3s Glasgow

Scanning radio frequencies for Scotland
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Retevis rt3s Glasgow

Post by Flight_scanner1 »

Hi. Does anyone know any frequencies that would go into my retevis rt3s radio as I’ve looked into it and I can’t really find anything for rx frequency
Many thanks
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Re: Retevis rt3s Glasgow

Post by DuncanM »

You can't just put frequencies into a radio like that and expect to hear things on it, you will also need the ctcss / dcs tones and colour codes, slots and talk groups. A lot of people won't share. Even data bases will limit what you can put in.
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Re: Retevis rt3s Glasgow

Post by paulears »

There are loads of things you could put into it, but your username is flight scanner - so are you interested in aviation frequencies? The snag of course is that the RT3S is FM and digital - so aircraft are out. You can get some of the ground services if you are near the airport. Other than that, you can put in the ham channels in your area, or marine, if near the sea, plus the usual business stuff. The trouble is the hobby for a scanner user involves good search skills, nosiness, knowledge and patience. Many people will have big lists that they've spent years searching out. The often swap with other enthusiasts, but rarely give things away to newcomers. Glasgow is quite well featured on this forum, so you'll find quite a few here. What are you actually after?
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Re: Retevis rt3s Glasgow

Post by DuncanM »

There seems to be an increase in people from various pages / groups buying certain two way radios to use as scanners, when they aren't. I have an Anytone 878, not a scanner, but it decodes dmr and gives the details. I'm marine and foundation amatuer licenced, so can use the Anytone for both, as well as use it as a basic scanner. I have a Retevis which although useful, isn't if you don't have the ctcss, dcs, colour codes, slots and talk groups first before buying it or already have them.
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