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'Diffrent' message on Volmet

Posted: 24 May 2014, 13:14
by pete_uk
Just tuned into 5505khz and there was a male voice saying something. Because of the crap prop and noise I only caught a mention of 'the flight deck' and something about cockpit settings. :wtf:

Not heard this before can anyone enlighten me what it may have been?

Re: 'Diffrent' message on Volmet

Posted: 24 May 2014, 14:02
by thedeerhunter270
Try 8957 - I'm on that now, but just missed what I thought was a male voice - now normal female voice. I've put my headphones on to get a better listen.

PS, He is there saying something interesting, but I can't make it out even with headphones on - now trying 13264.

Now heard it - it is a message about navigation errors.

Re: 'Diffrent' message on Volmet

Posted: 24 May 2014, 15:05
by Warden
They recently changed the message, it's about navigation errors after a software upgrade. Pilots have not been putting the correct coordinates in to the flight management system. Some pilots were putting "N" at the beginning instead of the end. It affected some that were over the North Atlantic. They have been asked to input the full coordinates instead of the shortened ones and to check and make sure they correspond with the oceanic cleared route.